Christianity attacked in India: Current Scenario, Causes, and Solutions

Current Scenario

In recent years, Christians in India have faced an increasing number of attacks and systematic persecution. Reports from various sources indicate a sharp rise in incidents targeting Christians. The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) reported a 45% increase in persecution cases in 2023, with 601 incidents recorded compared to 413 the previous year. These incidents range from physical violence and arrests to the disruption of religious gatherings and damage to places of worship. (morningstarnews), (Hindustan times).

Several states have emerged as hotspots for such activities. Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest number of incidents, followed by Chhattisgarh and Haryana. The United Christian Forum (UCF) documented 161 incidents of violence against Christians in the first three months of 2024 alone, highlighting an ongoing trend of hostility and state-sponsored targeting, particularly through the misuse of anti-conversion laws. (morning star news), (Vatican news).

Causes of Persecution

The rise in violence against Christians in India can be attributed to several factors:

1. Hindu Nationalism: The resurgence of Hindu nationalist ideology, particularly under the ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), has exacerbated religious tensions. Radical Hindu groups like the Bajrang Dal and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) have been at the forefront of these attacks, often under the guise of preventing "forcible conversions". ( (

2. Anti-Conversion Laws: Several states have enacted stringent anti-conversion laws that are often misused to target Christians. These laws make it easy for radical groups to accuse Christians of illegal conversions, leading to arrests and harassment of pastors and congregants during routine gatherings. (vaticannews)

3. Social and Economic Factors: In areas with significant tribal populations, Christians face additional persecution due to their marginalized status. Tribal Christians often face dual discrimination based on their faith and social status, making them particularly vulnerable to violence and forced re-conversions to Hinduism. (Christian post).

Possible Solutions

1. Legal Reforms: Repealing or amending anti-conversion laws to prevent their misuse is crucial. Ensuring that these laws are not used to target religious minorities unfairly can help reduce legal persecution.

2. Strengthening Law Enforcement: Training police and law enforcement agencies to handle religious hate crimes more effectively and impartially can help protect vulnerable communities. Ensuring accountability for perpetrators of violence is essential.

3. Interfaith Dialogue: Promoting dialogue between different religious communities can help build mutual respect and understanding. Initiatives that foster interfaith harmony and address misconceptions about Christianity can reduce tensions.

4. International Advocacy: Engaging with international human rights organizations and leveraging global platforms to highlight the plight of Christians in India can pressure the government to take corrective actions.

Positive Contributions of Christianity in India

Despite facing persecution, the Christian community in India has made significant contributions to society. Here are a few notable areas:

1. Education: Christian missions have established some of the country's most prestigious educational institutions, providing quality education to millions, including those from underprivileged backgrounds. Schools like St. Xavier's, St. Stephen's, and Loyola College are renowned for their academic excellence.

2. Healthcare: Christian organizations run numerous hospitals and clinics across India, often serving in remote and underserved areas. These institutions provide essential healthcare services, contributing significantly to public health.

3. Social Services: The Christian community has been actively involved in social work, running orphanages, old age homes, and rehabilitation centres. Their efforts in disaster relief and community development have been widely recognized.

4. Promoting Peace and Justice: Many Christian leaders and organizations work towards promoting peace, justice, and human rights. Their advocacy for the marginalized and oppressed has been instrumental in driving social change.


The attack on Christianity in India is a complex issue rooted in socio-political and economic factors. Addressing this problem requires a multifaceted approach involving legal reforms, stronger law enforcement, and efforts to promote interfaith harmony. Despite the challenges, the Christian community continues to contribute positively to Indian society, particularly in education, healthcare, and social services. Raising awareness about their plight and advocating for their rights can help ensure a more inclusive and tolerant India.

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